CCC Psychological Safety Assessment

Cultivating Psychological Safety in the Workplace

A culture of psychological safety is one in which employees share the belief that it is safe to articulate ideas, raise concerns or express disagreement. Research confirms that organizational effectiveness is positively impacted when employees feel psychologically safe to make meaningful contributions.

CCC Psychological Safety Assessment

We are pleased to introduce the CCC Psychological Safety Assessment. Leveraging decades of experience in guiding companies through successful culture change, our PS Assessment process takes leaders “below the waterline” to explore the norms and perceptions currently at work within the culture. The CCC Psychological Assessment identifies organizational strengths, illuminates obstacles and proposes interventions designed to cultivate psychology safety.

Assessment ABC’s
  • Administer the CCC Psychological Safety Survey™ – we manage all aspects of collecting perceptions via our survey.
  • Bring employee perceptions to light – we conduct focus groups & interviews to elicit verbatim accounts of employee perception.
  • Communicate findings – we analyze all quantitative and qualitative data to return a comprehensive report outlining cultural strengths and weaknesses.
  • Deliver Feedback – we walk you through face-to-face communication with employees, delivered personally to inspire collaboration and foster momentum.
  • Enhance PS in your organization with the PS Roadmap™, customized tools and interventions from CCC.
Psychological Safety Assessment | Assessment ABC’s
Psychological Safety Assessment | PS Model

Four Facets of Psychological Safety

Psychological safety has an enormous impact on group learning, team innovation and employee engagement. We consider Psychology Safety in four contexts. Each facet is unique, but each influences the others and can impact team dynamics on multiple planes.

  • Individual - Do the employees in my organization feel comfortable speaking up?
  • Team - Do our work teams accept and embrace contributions from individuals?
  • Leadership - Do we, as leaders, cultivate an environment of learning & sharing?
  • Culture - Do organizational norms and values encourage team members to speak up?

Why CCC for PS?

  • Expertise - With a doctorate in psychology from Harvard University, Dr. Steven Simon has developed and refined culture-based strategies that improve human performance since 1983. His decades of experience in navigating the complexities of organizational change provide the framework for our successful methodology, and his immersion in the industry continues to improve our practice.
  • Experience - For more than 30 years, we have guided more than 450 clients representing numerous industries in assessing organizational culture, involving employees in the change process, enhancing leadership skills, and optimizing team dynamics to foster lasting culture change.
  • Excellence - We are more than ‘survey administration.’ Our assessment process actually functions as a transformative culture change intervention. We take great care in customizing and facilitating solutions our partners can employ on the journey to positive change.
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